



Current developments  - presentation of scientific projects realized at Intellar, more than often with source code in the form of a blog. When available, the source is in the repo

Intellar was born from a dream of a world free from screen, phones and unnecessary loud noise, where technology is invisible unless needed.

Mission, to develop natural and intelligent interfaces between smart devices (IoT, computer) and the conscient world, paving the way for transparent interactions with connected devices, assistants and vision guided robotics. 

Vision, a world where screen, phones and computer are blended in the environment. As IoT devices become ubiquitous, the way we interact with them will be increasingly central in our lives. However, in this reality, screens, keyboards and mouses are a handicap and their alternatives like voice interfaces are hardly desirable. Intellar aims to replace voice with whispers, screens with intelligent surface supported blended in the environment, touch with contactless surfaces, and more. In this vision, every interactions is redefined to be intuitive, safe, simple and reliable.

Value, through cool innovation, we aim to strike the imagination of new generation of thinkers, to bring back real knowledge where pragmatic and real technology is used to create and innovate. We intentionally avoid oversimplified educational toys and focus on real industrial technology (check the 6 axis robot), in hope to create passioned and highly qualified personnel that will step out of incremental to be disruptive. Technical innovation can help solve many fundamental problems tomorrow holds. Concretizing and learning how technology should interacts with us is the key.

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